• Artist: Orlando Mendez
  • Music Producer: Nick Worley
  • Video Director- Carlos Dominicis
  • Video Producer(s)- Jennifer Castellanos and Victoria Collado
  • Video Sponsors: CAMCON Construction and The Real Havana Club

Orlando Mendez


I’m sitting here drinking at the southernmost tip
Down in the Florida Keys
About to take my last rum filled sip
When suddenly it came to me
I looked out across the ocean
To see if I could see
The island where I came from
That’s still a part of me

Sure I ain’t ever been there
I ain’t ever touched that sand
But it’s where my family came from
And it makes me who I am
This deep rooted connection
At times I don’t understand
But as I’m sitting here right now
I’ll tell you man
There’s only 90 miles
And a cigar in my hand
Between me and the Motherland

Well I heard it was Hemmingway’s paradise
Before that island fell
The mojito stopped flowing with mint and lime
You can blame it all on Fidel
How long he’s gonna keep my people down
Well time will only tell
But you cannot take the Cuban’s pride
So Castro can go to hell

And sure I ain’t ever been there
I ain’t ever touched that sand
But it’s where my family came from
And it makes me who I am
This deep rooted connection
At times I don’t understand
But as I’m sitting here right now
I’ll tell you man
There’s only 90 miles
And a cigar in my hand
Between me and the Motherland

My home and my heart is right here
In the good ole USA
But I still got so much love for
The place my family came
The Carribean island paradise
That was taken all away
But brother time is on our side
We gonna get her back one day

And sure I ain’t ever been there
I ain’t ever touched that sand
But it’s where my family came from
And it makes me who I am
This deep rooted connection
At times I don’t understand
But as I’m sitting here right now
I’ll tell you man
There’s only 90 miles
And a cigar in my hand
Just a rum and coke
And a cigar in my hand
It’s every person that I’ve loved
And a cigar in my hand
Between me and the Motherland

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